
古代文字の第一人者、書家 加藤光峰氏に師事。
文字の魅力と全身で書く楽しさを伝えるために古代文字アーティスト集団 天遊組を立ち上げ主宰として活動を始める。
多くの出会いから海外への展開が始まるが その矢先3.11の地震災害を体験。改めて生かされていることを意識する。
Began apprenticeship under a leading Kodai Moji Calligrapher Mr. Koho Kato.
After she became an independent artist, she received tremendous support from other artists, and she was invited to several events in Japan and overseas.
To introduce the pleasure of expressing the charms of letters by using one’s full body, she started Kodai Moji Artist group ”TEN-YOU GUMI.”
Through encounters with people all around her, she developed interest in expanding her works outside of Japan. While she was contemplating the expansion, she experienced the 3.11 Earthquake.
She remembered that Life is a gift. Her goal is to share this insight which for her embodies Kodaii Moji with “Awe of Nature” in a way of adapting the Japanese traditional technique of arts and craft.

Ancient characters are primary source of our inspiration to draw these calligraphy art. We have celebrated the birth of this “TEN-YOU” Calligraphy Art Group back in May 2007, performing live session of calligraphy art and music in the environment of outdoor setting or quiet Buddhist temple.
Thankfulness and prayers to God resided in Ancient Chinese characters.
Recently I strongly feel Japanese spirits of “gratitude to others”in these characters and I started thinking that I wanted to transmit this wonderful spirits to the world from Japan.
The picturesque characters are obvious and, therefore, very popular among overseas people who don’t know Chinese characters. You have an opportunity to draw an ancient character in a workshop at my exhibition or live performance.
My art is born through the process of connecting and tying to people.
All my work is the result of the collaborations with the people I met.
I feel that each of my work is an offering to the great power that moves me.
Thank you for your interest and support and please remember my name with a phrase,
“Thank you, TEN YOU”
【竹あかり と 古代文字アート】
【古代文字ART x 匠展】
【漆喰作品「龍神」 四条新町メインロビー】
【ランタン奉納 ~月に祈りを】
“Anti Nuke Exhibition” at Japanese Embassy in New Zealand
“Poem and Calligraphy” in France sponsored by French Army
“A one-man show” in Barcelona , Spain Japanese Embassy in Copenhagen, Denmark
“XX Art “ Exhibition in France
An official artist at “Japan Day@Central Park2011” in New York.
“YAMATO le JAPON en Touraine ” Exhibition in France
San Francisco (UC Berkeley, College of Sanmatio and more…)
Atlanta, Japanese Embassy in San Francisco, Amsterdam
◆ 2009
ベルギー・日本レターアーツ展入選 <NY誌掲載>
Selected to Belgium Letter Art Exhibition.
◆ 2010
パリ・フィナール国際美術展 サロン・ド・メ 3作品入選
Three works selected to Finale International Art Exhibition in Paris.